I'm Walking on Air

January 21, 2014

Jacket: Zara
Shirt: Splash

Wow! It's almost the end of January! Time passes so fast, before you know it's already 2015! :D

Today I'm wearing a jacket I really don't know what color is! lol! Well, not a lot of you know especially my new readers that I'm color blind (I think I've already said this on one of my very old posts, I just don't remember which one. lol!). 

A lot of people think that color blindness is a joke or whenever I say this to people they always say like "So you see things black and white?" No, I just see colors different than normal people do like Green sometimes look like Red and Light Pink sometimes look like White, and I sometimes cant distinguish Blue and Violet. But its okay, its fun seeing people's reactions whenever I try to guess what color I'm seeing and look at me thinking I'm joking but I'm not. :D

Anyway, back to the look. I'm really liking the jacket and checkered shirt combo recently so I'm doing another one (and cause I bought a lot of of them since I got them for a very small price cause of the Shopping Festival Sale!). I used to think I don't look nice in this kind of color, but since I felt its about time to get a jacket in this color I guess I look alright with it. This kind of look is starting to be my everyday look since it's so easy and not really hard to think of.

I usually have this rule that whenever I wear a casual jacket, I should wear a buttoned down shirt and whenever I wear a shirt I would pair it with a T-shirt. But I don't usually follow this rule, I just do this automatically whenever I do my outfits.

Do you have your own "fashion rules"? :)

Crossing stuff on The List:

10 Overcoats/ Casual Jackets = 3 Overcoats/ Casual Jackets
10 Short Sleeves Polo/Polo Shirt = 9 Short Sleeves Polo/Polo Shirt

Always have fun!

Hype me on Lookbook.nu: http://lookbook.nu/lop 

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